School Vision
At Strathfield South Public School, we take charge of our learning, embrace new experiences together and challenge ourselves to improve every year. Our student community feels safe, supported and empowered to reach their full potential because every relationship is a shared responsibility and an opportunity to grow.
About Us
Strathfield South Public School acknowledges our Aboriginal connections to the Wangal Clan and is located on the land of the Dharug Nation. Our school was established in 1881 and comprises of 510 students, approximately 90% of which are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.
The staff at Strathfield South Public School are highly professional, collaborative and committed. We enjoy an esteemed reputation for excellence, and support the wellbeing of every student through providing a safe, welcoming environment that promotes a sense of belonging and self-worth. Strong inclusive partnerships with our parent community are central to fostering student wellbeing, growth and engagement.
The school's thriving P&C, voluntarily manage our healthy canteen, run an efficient, online uniform shop, and advocate on our behalf, supporting initiatives that benefit all students. They also support our school through purchasing resources, as well as funding our speech and occupational therapy programs, improved quality learning spaces and technology upgrades.
Our School offers a diverse range of rich learning opportunities. All students attend Chinese or Korean language classes and have the opportunity to participate in a variety of critical thinking and creative programs including orchestra and string ensembles, choir, STEM, public-speaking, drama, physical education and sports.